Nice house, but something seems to be missing. This is a job for the Dreamweavers at McMow.

To the artistic eye, inspiration can be found anywhere - even in this wrought iron porch lamp, original to the house which was built in 1925.

From an idea to a sketch, the process begins.

The bouganvilla in front is usually covered year round in deep pink/red flowers. They will return in abundance after this recent cold snap passes through. From these lovely blooms, comes the idea for the cranberry glass feature of the classic Fleur de Lis design.

After several variations on the theme are explored, a design is selected and a full size pattern for each window is drawn.

After the perfect art glass is selected for each section, all the pieces are cut by hand.

Corded glass in the border with cranberry glass and the facetted bevels combine to make a subtle and classic beauty.

Notice how the outer petals of the Fleur de Lis cut into the cranberry border adding depth and interest to the overall piece.

Each cut piece is numbered to correspond with the full size pattern and awaits assembly.

True to Nature itself, beveled glass is seldom symetrical and expert fitting is required to achieve the desired result.

Cut pieces set in lead came.

For right handed Dreamweavers, like Maria, it's customary to start at the lower left corner and fit each piece into the other from there.

After the pieces are leaded and soldered, a super secret formula cement is applied to insure stability for the life of the window.

Maria performs the final steps in this creative process, carefully removing the excess and polishing the finished piece to a gleaming sparkle.

Every detail of every window undergoes the closest scrutiny in the light before leaving the production workroom.

Before installation.

The window is fastened on the inside of the glass and carefully set in place with wood moulding to perfectly match the original windows of the house.

Notice the bouganvilla on the exterior reflected in the bevels. Beautiful!

After from the outside.

From the outside after dark.

A tall narrow window tucked into the side of the porch awaits installation.

From the interior, this simple beauty adds such charm.

Seen from the outside after dark.

Lastly, the transom windows that frame the front porch and are most visible from the street are ready to receive the McMow magic.

Curtains are taken down and the transoms carefully placed in such a way that the windows will still fully open.

And yet, to all appearances, the transoms look as if they have always been at home right here. That's excellence in design and craftsmanship.

The sheers have been rehung and this window is now finished and beautifully dressed.

After from the outside.

Voila! Merci Beaucoup Dreamweavers!

Another "Clearly Outstanding" Inspiration, Creation and Installation by the Dreamweavers at McMow Art Glass.