The Dreamweavers at McMow welcomed artists, family and friends to the 12th Annual Art Glass Contest on Friday, May 7th to celebrate and highlight the many talented people that have become friends over the years. This contest was designed to showcase the extraordinary talent of our glass artist friends and to promote the medium of the glass arts. Our common dream is to keep this ancient and beautiful art alive and thriving into the future. Here are some of our friends who made the evening festive.
Click on any of the images to make them larger and click the back button on your computer to return to McMow Daily Times. Enjoy.
Click on any of the images to make them larger and click the back button on your computer to return to McMow Daily Times. Enjoy.
Before we share the names of the winners in all categories, here are all the fabulous pieces that were entered.
In the Mosaic Category
Three Dimensional Entries
The Fused Glass Entries
Pattern Adaptation Stained Glass
Original Design Stained Glass
Featured Guest Artist Annie Shank
And the winning entries are...

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